Thanks for stopping by!  If you haven’t guessed, my name is Bill Boone—at least most of the time anyway.  To my wife Joan and extended family, I’m “Billy.”  To my daughters Sarah and Samantha, I’m just “dad”.   Anyway, for those of you who don’t know me, I thought that I would use this space to share a little bit about myself and my background. For those of you who do know me, this will probably be more than you want to know.

Prior to a recent move to Arizona five years ago, I have spent my entire life living in California.  I grew up in southern California near Pasadena, and then spent most of my adult life in the San Francisco Bay Area.  I really miss the Pacific Ocean and the Bay Area’s cooling fog, especially on 110 plus degree days.  But despite the summer cauldron of unrelenting heat, I have come to love my new adopted home state. There are so many spectacular and beautiful places to explore, and I’m just getting started.

My background is pretty varied and I’ve done a lot of different things over my life. My first job in high school actually paid me to watch real estate open house signs so they didn’t get stolen.  In college, I worked as a photographer and still enjoy taking pictures as a hobby.  My post-graduate career has been pretty varied and can generally be divided into two halves. The first half was in technology, starting at IBM followed by a couple of start-ups and a long stint at Oracle.   The second half is in insurance where I have been an agent, a manager, a trainer, and a wholesaler.

My undergraduate degree is in Psychology.  Because I’ve always been interested in people and why we do what we do, it was a perfect match.  This people knowledge has served me well throughout all the different phases of my career—as a salesperson, a marketeer, a manager, and as a friend. I also have an MBA in marketing, with a focus on consumer behavior looking further into why we do what we do in addition to how to reach and influence others with your message.

All of this leads to my third and final career–internet marketing.  I’m excited about starting this journey where I can use my love of technology and my 30 years of marketing experience to build a business that will provide the financial and personal success I’m looking to achieve.  Feel free to follow my progress or join me on the ride.

Bill Boone

P.S. I have used my 30+ years of business experience to evaluate all the internet marketing business models out there and I plan to employ several of them in my business. But to get started, I have chosen a proven path and mentor to work with to maximize my success out of the gate. I watched this free training and highly recommend it– you can watch it here.