Everything has to start someplace right?

I have decided to change my focus from the corporate world to launch and build my own business on the internet.  Having observed the growth of all things online, and combined with my growing distaste for being but a cog in the corporate machine, I’m changing careers.  Yes, I have decided to be an online entrepreneur and focus on building the ultimate laptop lifestyle business.

I look to chronicle my journey here, open and transparent for all to see.  The plan is to post and share my successes and failures with the goal of helping others escape the corporate rat race and develop a business that will support their dreams, goals, and families.

This is not my first online business attempt, and if I fail, it will not be my last.  Thirty years in business and marketing only confirm to me that the internet is intertwined into the fabric of our lives, that e-commerce will drive the worldwide economy and that life online is the place to be.

So, here you will find my journey.  If you feel inspired, feel free to join me.  At this point, I have been preparing for this official launch for almost a year now.  I have been acquiring the necessary tools and studying the “gurus”.
Hopefully, I’ll be able to smooth your path and we can grow together & learn from each other.
Full Speed ahead, here I go!

All in for 2021.





Corporate world escapee, now marketing for myself and chosen clients. An Arizona transplant who enjoys photography, art, cooking, and exploring new places.

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